Sign up for the Weekly Newsflash. It goes out once a week and contains my latest writing.


  • “Thank you for your weekly email newsletter/blog post. Your writing is always excellent; full of insight and thought-provoking material. I am amazed that you manage to crank out such quality on a regular basis. The fact that you also cross-reference and link to previous material is equally impressive. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with me.”

  • Kudos to Rishabh for penning weekly newsflashes on subjects of day-to-day interest. I read these every week and try to relate to my own experiences of life. The subjects chosen by Rishabh are of common interest, based on practical observations of day-to-day life. Language is simple and lucid. The flow is logical, easy to comprehend and follow.”

  • “Rishabh’s writing is easy to read but rich in content. As one mulls over, one finds how relevant they are. I am sure the points mentioned if followed would greatly benefit the reader. However, even if one does not follow it sincerely, it has the capacity to guide the reader in effective decision-making even inadvertently.”

  • “Although I’m not a reader, Rishabh’s writing communicates what he has to say in utmost clarity and in specifics, in a way that I end up not only reading his writing but applying them right away. The points mentioned, the processes, they find their places up in the brains and make spaces that start working in order to bring order in daily life crisis.”

  • “In Rishabh’s writing, the flow and sequence is very clear which reflects that even his thoughts are organized, which is very rare! I like the simple use of language, no unnecessary use of jargons. These essays can even be used by those who are learning English and just getting a hang of it.”

  • Your writing is very impressive, both in substance and style. The piece you wrote about spiritual life shows your immense grasp on a new subject as also your ability to place the entire story in logical sounding and eye-catching subtitles. This was the first time I read your blog and as such I now look forward to reading more of them. I am sure, each piece will say something important to ponder on!”

  • “I enjoyed perusing your excellent blog, Rishabh, and your thoughts on spirituality certainly resonate with Ralph Waldo Emerson’s.”